<aside> 👋 Interested in joining the Minevictus Minecraft server? Visit https://minevict.us/


If you’re looking for gameplay information, you’re in the right place. You can start with reading our rules page. These can also be viewed in-game with the /rules command. Once you’re familiar with how we work, you can begin your survival adventure within the Minecraft server itself.

You can only build in one of our two worlds. The semi-vanilla and hardcore world. More information and specific information about both of them can be found conveniently under here for you. Both of these worlds can be built on by clicking on the Minevictus mascot saying: “Right click me to start your adventure” at the spawn point. When done correctly, you can be warped to be able to build.

<aside> 🍦 Semi-vanilla


<aside> 🔥 Hardcore


Through this character you can access all worlds to play on. Under here we will lay out more information about the gameplay elements of both gamemodes for you to read into.

More information

We’re a server which likes to keep things simple and to the point. Under here we’re talking a bit more about how Minevictus functions and what you’re able to do within the two worlds.



The basics


Ranks & Perks

Hardcore WIP

HC Rules

<aside> 💡 If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via Discord.





<aside> 🌐 Donator Store


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1e8ec6ce-16e1-4072-a4c6-8142f5ed1290/download.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1e8ec6ce-16e1-4072-a4c6-8142f5ed1290/download.png" width="40px" /> Discord


<aside> ✍️ Would you like to contribute feedback and ideas to the Minevictus team? Make sure to join our Discord channel (link above) and post your suggestion in the #suggestions channel.
